The Gene Keys
EPIPHANY Experience
with Peter Tongue and Zia Cole
EPIPHANY Experience
with Peter Tongue and Zia Cole
Is there a Gene Key in your profile that has eluded you?
This is your opportunity to dive deeply into it!
For those wanting to intensify their contemplative process with the Gene Keys,
we are offering the Epiphany Experience at Half Moon Haven
on the Sunshine Coast of beautiful British Columbia - beginning on the evening of Friday March 27th at 6 pm,
continuing through Saturday March 28th (daytime & evening),
and concluding on the afternoon of Sunday, March 29th at 4 pm.
At this retreat, we will devote all of our time to sowing the seed of an Epiphany –
nurturing a breakthrough into a deeper level of awareness than we have yet experienced.
Each of us will do this by focusing our full attention on a single Gene Key, chosen intuitively,
so it is an aspect of our consciousness that is ready to open up at this time.
We begin by going deeply into the Shadow of that Gene Key, then to the other end of the spectrum -
bringing all of our attention to the Siddhi.
We merge our awareness of the Shadow and the Siddhi -
our highest potential and our deepest fear - and out of that magical tension emerges the Gift, a Breakthrough -
an E P I P H A N Y !!!
The Weekend Retreat will include Meditation, Movement, and Sacred Ceremony to help deepen the process.
There will also be time set aside for personal contemplation out in Nature.
This is an opportunity to immerse yourself in all aspects of a particular Gene Key
with like-spirited people, far away from daily distractions.
Step out of time for a weekend and relax into your true Genius!
You need not have any experience with the Gene Keys to embark upon this journey,
simply the curiosity and impulse to go deeper.
You do need to have the Gene Keys Book as well as your Free Gene Keys Profile; otherwise, you are ready to go!
6 pm Friday, March 27th, 2020
to 4 pm Sunday, March 29th, 2020
Half Moon Haven, Half Moon Bay
Sunshine Coast, BC
$644 (Includes Retreat, 5 meals and accommodation)
For those living nearby:
$322 for just the workshop. Does not include accommodation or food
$444 for workshop, 5 meals, and no accommodation
Contact Peter for more info and to register:
[email protected]
Space is limited - please register ASAP
Further details will be sent out after you've registered -just prior to the retreat.
Please let us know by return e-mail if you intend to take part as soon as possible.
Two payments can be made with a non-refundable deposit of $322 CDN made by Monday February 24th
with the balance of $322 on arrival on March 27th,
or you can pay the full amount of $644 by February 24th.
Payment can be made by cash in person,
Pay Pal or e-transfer to this e-mail address.
Thank you!
This is your opportunity to dive deeply into it!
For those wanting to intensify their contemplative process with the Gene Keys,
we are offering the Epiphany Experience at Half Moon Haven
on the Sunshine Coast of beautiful British Columbia - beginning on the evening of Friday March 27th at 6 pm,
continuing through Saturday March 28th (daytime & evening),
and concluding on the afternoon of Sunday, March 29th at 4 pm.
At this retreat, we will devote all of our time to sowing the seed of an Epiphany –
nurturing a breakthrough into a deeper level of awareness than we have yet experienced.
Each of us will do this by focusing our full attention on a single Gene Key, chosen intuitively,
so it is an aspect of our consciousness that is ready to open up at this time.
We begin by going deeply into the Shadow of that Gene Key, then to the other end of the spectrum -
bringing all of our attention to the Siddhi.
We merge our awareness of the Shadow and the Siddhi -
our highest potential and our deepest fear - and out of that magical tension emerges the Gift, a Breakthrough -
an E P I P H A N Y !!!
The Weekend Retreat will include Meditation, Movement, and Sacred Ceremony to help deepen the process.
There will also be time set aside for personal contemplation out in Nature.
This is an opportunity to immerse yourself in all aspects of a particular Gene Key
with like-spirited people, far away from daily distractions.
Step out of time for a weekend and relax into your true Genius!
You need not have any experience with the Gene Keys to embark upon this journey,
simply the curiosity and impulse to go deeper.
You do need to have the Gene Keys Book as well as your Free Gene Keys Profile; otherwise, you are ready to go!
6 pm Friday, March 27th, 2020
to 4 pm Sunday, March 29th, 2020
Half Moon Haven, Half Moon Bay
Sunshine Coast, BC
$644 (Includes Retreat, 5 meals and accommodation)
For those living nearby:
$322 for just the workshop. Does not include accommodation or food
$444 for workshop, 5 meals, and no accommodation
Contact Peter for more info and to register:
[email protected]
Space is limited - please register ASAP
Further details will be sent out after you've registered -just prior to the retreat.
Please let us know by return e-mail if you intend to take part as soon as possible.
Two payments can be made with a non-refundable deposit of $322 CDN made by Monday February 24th
with the balance of $322 on arrival on March 27th,
or you can pay the full amount of $644 by February 24th.
Payment can be made by cash in person,
Pay Pal or e-transfer to this e-mail address.
Thank you!